This past year I ventured into a new chapter of diving – closed circuit rebreather (CCR) diving. This sort of equipment allows me to be completely silent and bubbleless while diving allowing for amazing interactions with the fish life as well as allowing for deeper and longer dives. Once I entered this community new opportunities opened up for me and one of them was joining an entire boat of CCR divers to go to the Galapagos Islands.
These are magical places! The density and variety of the fish life is astounding. And the density of the sharks is unique! Come share this amazing underwater world with me here! With the rebreather the interactions are close and impressive!
We also got the chance to visit some of the unique land animals as well. Check it out.
On my way I also made a stop at Quito Ecuador and spent a day experiencing the old town of this city. Definitely a neat place that deserves more time in the future. A day worth of images here.